The romance of print is dying, but the importance of self publication and expression never will. Zines are everyone’s novels and newspaper. A place to put what won’t fit when we try to write it on a wall. Politics, love, music, poetry, family stories, all parts of being a human on cheap paper with flimsy covers all say the same thing- “You are not alone”. This is the most powerful message in the printed world. Zines have helped me through some of the hardest times in my life with that simple idea. St. Sucia is a megaphone gritando NO ESTAS SOLA!

St. Sucia started as a joke.  Isa and her college friends were puro party and needed a Santa who would understand. They felt guilty asking the Virgin de Guadalupe for help with their hangovers and late periods. So, they came up with St. Sucia. So many mujeres identified with the joke that Isa wanted to expand on the idea. A zine was the only answer.

Not wanting to take on this project alone, Isa kept a look out for someone to tag team this bitch with. La Santa Sucia, in her boozy omnipotence united Tash and Isa at a punk show. The zine was instantly in motion.

One month, several meetings on Tash’s front porch, around 30 submissions from South Texas, an unattended copy machine, and 200 runs through a sewing machine later,  we had our first zine release at Tequila Island, a Tejano gay bar on the Southside of San Antonio.

By the second issue, submissions came from across the nation. The initial premise of the zine, “A Zine Exposing What It Is To Be A Mujer And Dating In Contemporary Society” changed to “Exposing What It Is To Be A Mujer” before we could hit “copy” on that machine. The submissions we received were about all parts of La Vida de Mujer. We couldn’t hold all those awesome stories back. The zine took on its own life and ran off like a perra on a dollar store leash.

Our goal is to share our stories, including the ones from mujeres who don’t consider themselves writers, artists, or poets. We want to share the stories we don’t tell, but other mujeres need to hear.  We want to encourage other mujeres to express themselves. We are a space for gente who identify as mujer, in any way they choose to. Mujer is queer, mujer is straight, it’s political, it’s flaca, it’s gordita, it’s a grito, it’s a mouthed curse, it’s a walk alone at night. Mujer is a million things and so are you. Tell us about it.

We're honored and humbled to have our friends and strangers submit their work to our little zine. Seriously, like holy shit. We are truly moved by the support.

Please submit! All published submitters get a free zine!


INSTAGRAM: @stsucia


Isabel Ann Castro: Eats tacos on the reg and like a true millennial, is a college grad and back home living with her parents. She earned a degree in design and is putting it to good use on or sweet sweet layouts. Influenced by cinema, post-punk, comics, hand painted taqueria signs, and the Mexican-American life. Best Compliment Received: Someone said her artwork reminded them of "Love and Rockets" and she's been acting like a chiflada ever since.

Natasha I Hernandez is a writer and nurse from San Antonio, TX.  She previously published the San Anto Pos, Wow! zine. Influenced by San Antonio culture, comic books, science fiction and feminismo, works include poetry, comics, photos, and altars. Best compliment received: A homeless man once told Tash she looked like Selena.  If he was just looking for a cigarette, it totally worked.